This auction is NOT for an engine assembly but rather to have YOUR Air Cooling Porsche engine assembly rebuilt professionally All of our engine rebuilds are done in-house by factory trained Porsche technicians from Porsche Germany.
Don’t Buy used engine rebuild your same engine and start with Zero Mile
What does our engine rebuild ?
Complete dismantling of engine down to crankshaft
Hot tank cleaning all engine components to remove sludge, oil, carbon deposits & other contaminants.
Crankshaft magnaflux
New engine main & connecting rod bearings
Hardware upgrade on crankcase & connecting rods
Cylinder heads pressure checked, cleaned & complete valve job
All new gaskets & seals from bottom to top
New timing guide rails & paddles
New timing tensioners if Need it additional cost applies
Oil pump checked
New engine drive belt
New engine idler pulleys if need it additional cost applies
Pistons are checked & cleaned and piston rings replaced additional cost applies
Cylinders are checked for cracks or scoring. If they need to be replaced, additional cost applies.
Any hard components such as camshafts, crankshaft, cylinder heads, cylinder block halves that are not usable and need to be replaced will incur additional cost.
Engine is shipped back DRY, no fluids, you will need to add the proper fluids.
Does not include labor to R&R engine assembly if you plan to ship the vehicle to our location
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